What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound Marketing is the process of creating strategies around the content you create and distribution of that content in order to help drive traffic to your business, products and/or services that you offer.
When creating an online marketing strategy or campaign, the main objective has to be lead conversion. Converting visitors to leads and leads to customers is what good campaigns do. In order to obtain higher conversions, one of the main components of any online marketing campaign needs to be about creating a strategy around driving in qualified leads. The more qualified the leads, the higher the chances of conversion.
And every business wants qualified buyers in their sales funnel – not leads that are not sure or who may take longer to convert because they are not far along the sales cycle.
Creating an inbound marketing campaign will help you drive in those qualified leads who are may be farther along in their sales cycle and who are seeking answers to their questions or who are seeking out someone in the industry that can assist them with making a purchase.
This blog will give you some idea of what an inbound marketing campaign consists of and what are some major aspects to consider before you start a campaign.
An inbound marketing campaign consists of a set of elements which are used to reach a desired marketing goal, such as increased visit-to-lead conversion rate, marketing qualified leads, or total customers.
By integrating today’s most relevant online tools with your inbound marketing campaigns, it becomes measurable and can provide you with an ability to show detailed ROI statistics on your efforts.
Inbound marketing campaigns mainly rely on several other important factors including the offer itself, content distribution, calls to action, promotional emails, social media and blog posts, in addition to testing and optimization. Without all of these things in place, your chances of maximizing results from inbound marketing are limited.
Creating an Inbound Marketing Campaign
Just like everything in business, when developing your inbound marketing campaign it should first start with goals. The goals help to shape the focus and positioning of each campaign.
Before creating your inbound marketing campaign, ask yourself the following questions which will help you in developing your goals and your strategy:
1. Who are you trying to target?
- Are you looking for new leads?
- Are you looking to re-engage with past customers?
- Are you looking for investors?
2. What is the best way to reach your potential target market?
- What offer can you make that will entice them?
3. Who does your product/service most appeal to?
- What problem are you attempting to solve with your products/services?
4. How is your target market searching online?
- What keywords are they typing in search engines to find you?
If you can answer all of the questions above that are applicable to your business, you will be on the right path to putting together an inbound marketing strategy.
Inbound Marketing is made up of many different components that will help you in achieving the goals you have set.
Below is a simple graphic outlining the different types of inbound marketing strategies that you can incorporate in your strategy.
Inbound marketing sees better results when combining a few of these methods together as opposed to conducting only one method. By combining a few of these methods, you are increasing your chances of building a better online presence and thus being more reachable for your target market. By only conducting one method, you are reducing these chances. For example, if you decide that you want to become an expert blogger by only implementing blogs on your site – you will not see good results. What good is it to write great content and blogs on your site and then have no way of using that content to reach out to your target market?
Blogging works best when combining it with Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing, because you can take that blog and post links on your social media accounts to spread the word and to increase chances of people seeing your posts and clicking on your blog link to read more. The more clicks you have back to your site and the more visitors you have on your website, the better it is for your search engine optimization.
Inbound Marketing really does work when you implement the right strategy and in order to figure out the right methods for your business, you need to make sure you have the following answered:
- Figure out your goals (a good start would be by answering the questions we have above).
- Determine which Inbound Marketing methods would work best to achieve your goals.
- Put together an Inbound Marketing strategy.
We will be writing more on inbound marketing and how to implement proper strategies in future blogs.
In the meantime, if you are interested in learning how we can help you put together a proper inbound marketing strategy for your business, take our free online Internet Marketing Questionnaire: www.maaspros.com/imq. Once we receive your results, we can put together a free, no-obligation quote on what we types of inbound marketing strategies would work best for your business.